Puzzle 1
Find: \s{2,}
Replace: ,

Finding each instance of 2 or more spaces (so it keeps things like "More Text" together and ignores line breaks), and replacing with a comma.

Puzzle 2
Find: (\w+), (\w+), (\w+\s*\w*\s*\w*)$
Replace: \2 \1 (\3)

Breaking up the text into pieces and reordering them.

Puzzle 3
Find:(\w{4}) (\w+\s\w+\s*\w*\s*\w*\s*\w*)(.mp3)
Replace:\1 \2\3\n

Breaking up the text into pieces and then splitting every 3 pieces up, in same order, by line break.

Puzzle 4
Find:(\w{4}) (\w+\s\w+\s*\w*\s*\w*\s*\w*)(.mp3)

Breaking up the text into pieces and then rearanging, with line break!

Puzzle 5

Breaking up the text into pieces and then rearranging, only selecting what I want.

Puzzle 6

Changed piece 2 to only part of the species name.

Puzzle 7
Replace:\1\2, \4, \3

Breaking it up even further so I'm able to combine the first 3 digits of the genus and species names, plus including the decimal.